Level 1, 415 Roberts Road Subiaco WA 6008

Announcement of Director and Consultants

Announcements – William Sloan commenced as Director with Jane Johnson and Adam Somerville-Brown commencing as Consultants

We are pleased to announce William Sloan commenced as a Director of our firm on 1 July 2018. William joins our current Directors, Kim Wilson SC, Paula Wilkinson and Linda Richardson

William is a Nationally Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer and is amongst the leading Family Lawyers in Australia. William was recognised by Doyle’s Guide as one of the “Rising Stars” of Australian Family Law in 2017 – one of only two from Western Australia to make the national list.

The Directors are also pleased to announce Jane Johnson and Adam Somerville-Brown will be joining the senior team as Consultants with our current Consultant, Robyn Hadley

Jane was named a Leading Lawyer in Parenting, Custody and Children’s Matters (WA) by Doyle’s Guide in 2017, an honour that reflects Jane’s commitment to this very important area of Family Law.

Adam is a consultant author for CCH Database providing legal commentary on Family Law matters in Western Australia.  He is also a casual lecturer for the College of Law teaching other Lawyers in the field of Family Law. 

Jane and Adam are both Accredited Family Law Specialists.  Kim Wilson & Co have more Accredited Family Law Specialists than any other firm in Perth.

The Directors and team members congratulate William, Jane and Adam on their achievements and wish them all the best as they transition into their new roles.

E: kwclegal@kimwilson.com.au


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