Level 1, 415 Roberts Road Subiaco WA 6008

Law Week Awards Night Friday 18 May 2018

Law Week Awards Night Friday 18 May 2018

On Friday 18 May 2018, our Senior Associate Adam Somerville-Brown was recognised at the Law Week Awards Night held by the Law Society of Western Australia for his recent successful completion of the accreditation course for family lawyers. Adam is now a qualified Accredited Family Law Specialist and is recognised as having a high level of competency in the field of Family Law.

This is a significant achievement and we congratulate Adam with his efforts!

Adam joins our 6 other Accredited Family Law Specialists at Kim Wilson & Co.

Kim Wilson & Co continue to have more Accredited Family Law Specialists than any other family law firm in Western Australia.

E: adam.somerville-brown@kimwilson.com.au


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