Level 1, 415 Roberts Road Subiaco WA 6008

Initial Appointment

Initial Appointment with a Family Lawyer

Feeling nervous about coming to your first appointment with a Family Lawyer?  Don’t be…

The initial appointment with your Family Lawyer can set the tone for your matter. It is therefore important you are prepared for the appointment and provide your lawyer with as much information as you can.

You can assist in the usefulness of the initial appointment by attending to the following:

  1. arriving on time;
  2. having current contact information for yourself and your partner (whether married or de facto);
  3. bringing with you any documents which you may have such as bank statements, Tax Returns & Financial Statement, payslips, real estate appraisals or valuations;
  4. a draft schedule of the assets and liabilities of the marriage / de facto relationship; and
  5. copy of Marriage Certificate (if applicable).

We hope the details above are of assistance.  If you would like to discuss any of the matters raised, please do not hesitate to contact our office on 6380 3900.

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