Level 1, 415 Roberts Road Subiaco WA 6008

Women Lawyers of Western Australia Honours Dinner

Women Lawyers of Western Australia Honours Dinner, 6 March 2020 Westin Grand Ballroom Perth

Directors and staff of Kim Wilson & Co attended the Women Lawyers of WA Honours Dinner on Friday 6 March 2020. This event recognizes the achievements of women in law, both in private practice and government roles.  Numerous awards were presented, including to the Young Woman Lawyer of the year, the Senior Woman Lawyer of the year and the Woman Lawyer of the Year.   Women who have contributed in other roles, including service to the Courts, were also recognized.

The keynote speaker Cheryl Edwards AM spoke on the topic of domestic violence and child abuse.  Her theme was “Are we there yet?”, her view is that significant work still needs to be done by the community and professionals to eliminate these problems from society.

A fun night was enjoyed by all, with over 450 guests.

For more information on Women Lawyers of Western Australia please click here.  https://www.wlwa.asn.au/

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