Level 1, 415 Roberts Road Subiaco WA 6008

Share the Dignity 2018

2018 Share the Dignity “It’s in the Bag” Christmas Campaign

With another year almost over, the staff at Kim Wilson & Co again decided to rally together and contribute to the worthwhile cause called Share the Dignity, “It’s in the Bag” Christmas Campaign.

For those who are not aware, Share the Dignity is a charity which supports women in crisis.  The organisation is an Australian women’s charity bringing dignity to homeless, at-risk and women experiencing domestic violence through distribution of sanitary items and funding funerals of those killed as a result of domestic violence.

Each year in the lead up to the Christmas season, Share the Dignity runs the “It’s in the Bag” campaign.  This year the campaign ran from 16 November to 2 December 2018 to help women less fortunate have access to basic toiletries and personal hygiene products, items we take for granted.

The organisation invites participants to fill a handbag with items that make women in need feel special.  The hand bag is designed to be filled with essential items we would want to receive ourselves and which these women consider luxuries.

The staff contributed half a dozen handbags this year which were full of special items for women in need.  Our office delivered the handbags to the Bunnings Warehouse in Subiaco collection point last week.

We at Kim Wilson & Co consider it important to give back during the festive season and are proud to again be supporting such a great cause.

Sarah Brown I Associate

E: sarah.brown@kimwilson.com.au


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